Coming up with new ideas is one of the hardest part of creating a high-quality blog post for a website. Especially if you already have made hundreds of articles related to your niche. However, there are websites or blogs that are able to publish articles day by day without even struggling in coming up with new ideas.
So, how do they really come up with new ideas?
Bloggers with less experience usually rely on their brains and their own abilities to come up with new ideas and to create new content. Personally, I do that as well. But after writing more than 50 articles. I started to run out of ideas of what I should write next and that is frustrating.
Luckily, I’ve found ways to be able to come up with new ideas and in this article, I’m gonna be sharing them to you.
1. Understand your readers
This is the most effective way to come up with new ideas. Always understand your readers and try to ask yourself these questions:
- What are the problems of my readers?
- What are the topics they’re most interested in?
- What information can I give to help my readers solve their problems?
You can always find the answers to these questions by going to Google Search Console. Find which search terms your readers usually type in and understand why do they type that in? Maybe there was no enough information online? Maybe the existing articles weren’t really solving their problems? If that’s the case then you just gave yourself an idea.

So in the image above, my readers usually search for Shopify app tutorial.
Now the next thing that I’m going to be doing is by looking at my blog posts and see if I already have an article for that search query. So since I do have an article for that. I’ll proceed to Google and ask about Shopify app tutorial.
Now here’s the good part, Google will always provide search related in each search you do with Google. You can use that for your blog writing ideas. For example:

The image above provides questions that were usually asked by REAL people, so if you think you haven’t answered those questions yet. Then this is the right time for you to start writing and answer those questions.

You can also use ‘searches related..’ to come up with new ideas. Everything is in Google now. Everything for FREE!
2. Using Keyword Search Tools
If you think the first option didn’t really work for you, then using keyword search tools will help you a ton as well. One of my favorites is It’s very easy to use. Just type in the keyword and it’ll give you related search results that you can use for coming up with new ideas.

As you can see in the above example. We typed in the keywords how to, that gives us a lot of options on what to write next. like how to download music, How to download YouTube videos, and so on.
3. Go to reddit
It’s not a big secret anymore that reddit is the solution for many content marketing problems.
Reddit is huge, it consists of very specific niche type of communities that you can use for not only publishing your articles but also for getting new ideas about what you can write about next.
Just go to Reddit and search what type of posts you wanted to see. for example, you can use r/AskReddit. This community has almost 23 million members and had always 130k+ members online.

There you will see questions that you can use for coming up with new ideas. Some questions might not that really makes sense for a blog post but this could sometimes help you out. sometimes.
4. See what’s trending
A great way to come up with new ideas is by knowing what is trending at this point in time, also there are many platforms that you can use to find out what people have been searching for online recently. You can use:
To be honest, this option only works if what’s trending is related to your niche. If your blog is about news then this option might work for you. But if you think there’s nothing wrong about knowing what’s trending and if you feel like sharing your opinion as well regarding what’s trending then go ahead. Use the above links and find what’s hot.
5. Ask your readers what they want
If you have a huge amount of readers, then this is the best option for you. Asking them what they want will surely give you a lot of ideas on what to write next.
You can do this by going to your comments section and reply to the comments and ask them what else are they looking for? Are there more issues that they wanted to be fixed? Do they need more information?
These are the type of questions that you should be asking your readers. Not only it’ll help you come up with new ideas, but it will also make your readers feel that you care for them. Thus making them your loyal readers.
You can also use surveys like to send questions to your readers. But be more careful, asking too many questions could overwhelm your readers. It has been revealed by SurveyMonkey that the minimum questions you should only have in your survey must not be more than 10 questions.
So just keep your questions for fun. The fewer questions, the better.
6. Use HubSpot’s Blog Idea Generator
So you’re really running out of ideas now? The previous options didn’t really work out on you? Well here’s the best answer to your problem. HubSpot’s Blog Ideas Generator.

It’s honestly one of my favorite ways to get new ideas and I’m sure this will help you as well.
So here’s out it works, once you get to the page, all you have to do is give a few words related to whatever topic you’re thinking right now.
The page will actually ask you for 5 different nouns, so for examples here’s what we put in the list.

So in the example above, we put in 5 different nouns which are:
- Baby
- Diapers
- Cleaning
- Best
- Poop
The system will use these nouns to generate five titles for your articles, and you can use that for your blog posts. Now here’s the result of what we entered.

This Week’s Top Stories about Poop, sounds interesting right?
Jokes aside, you can use this generator to get new ideas just by giving them a few words. You don’t have to follow the titles. What really matters is you have new ideas and you can just use the results to brainstorm another idea.
7. Use

If you think HubSpot’s Blog Ideas Generator is hard to use, well let me introduce to you Technically it’s the same as the HubSpot’s but with more detailed results. Here, you don’t have to give five words or nouns but instead, you give just a word like the example above.
As you can see we entered the word “Babies“. Here, you can enter any keywords you like and after that, it will process your input and will give you not only five but hundreds of suggestions that you can use in your blog post.
Here’s the result of what we entered.

What I love about this generator is that the questions are legitimately relatable, SEO Friendly, and ready to be written as an article
A good example here is “will babies be born in heaven?“. That is the kind of article that bloggers could write about!
The results are not only that, you can scroll down the page and you will see more results related to what you have entered.
There you will see not only questions but also prepositions, comparisons, and topics related to the word you have entered.
There’s no doubt that is one heck of a generator and I really recommend you to use that whenever you run out of ideas.
Coming up with new blog post ideas is tough and even if you somehow get an idea. Sometimes that idea will never turn into an article. But it doesn’t mean you can’t have more ideas right?
Thankfully, the tools above can help you come up with not just one but hundreds of new ideas that you can use for your blog posts.
I recommend you to follow the tools from top to bottom. Instead of immediately using the blog ideas generator, use the first options instead.
If the first following options didn’t work for you then that’s the time you pull out the card and that is the generators.
If you haven’t actually written your first blog post, read this guideline on How to write your first blog post. You may also like reading the following